It all started with a few like-minded people who had an unquenchable passion and a monumental patriotism for the country. Being inspired by India, they wanted to give back to the country by equipping its technological front with a completely indigenous innovation. They wanted our commercial segments and the battle forces to be self-reliant through RPAS of world standards developed right here within the country. This gave birth to TUNGA (Technology Upgradation of Naval, Ground, and Air systems) as a brainchild. By employing the brilliant minds from different parts of the country, they gave life to this idea and developed an organization out of it. Today, we stand as a DPIIT recognized start-up and we also have been setting a standard of our own for the world to follow through the development of RPAS with uncompromisable quality.
Connect With UsThere is no impossible to reach milestone if you’re on a journey with people who aspire to take the same road as you for reaching similar destinations. We have been collaborating with leading institutions that are at the forefront of research and developing breakthrough technology in this field. We take great pride and cherish our partnerships with world-class knowledge centers like IIT Madras and IISc Bangalore.
Every single one of our hires is chosen after careful screening to not just test their sound technical knowledge, but also to understand the person they are and the principles they believe in. Anyone can be a part of a group that runs on innovation, but to be that person who initiates a new thought is rare. We have thus built a team of people who are driven by passion in their hearts and dreams in their eyes.
Our mission is to develop quality products that cater to unique demands which have not been addressed yet. We place a firm emphasis on being client-centric. We are committed to complete product indigenization to ensure reliability. We will promise lifetime support for every product that we offer. These are the driving principles behind all that we do.